MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 2
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 2).dmg
Shareware World
Master Spell
Basic Words
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absenceabsence, as in, you're absence is worse than your tardiness
absolutelyabsolutely, as in, you must absolutely pay your taxes
abundanceabundance, meaning plentiful
academicacademic, as in, learning to spell is an academic excersise
accomplishmentaccomplishment, as in, getting 100% for 50 words would be a great accomplishment
accordingaccording, as in, the clock strikes according to the hour
accuracyaccuracy, as in, I will grade this test with great accuracy
accurateaccurate, as in, an atomic clock is very accurate
accuseaccuse, as in, I can not accuse you of cheating
acrossacross, as in to drive across a bridge
activitiesactivities, as in, at camp I participate in many activities
actualactual, as in, airplane models are rarely built to actual size
actuallyactually, as in, I actually like giving spelling tests
addressaddress, as in, my e mail address is jay@mac in mind dot com
admirationadmiration, as in, I have a great admiration for war veterans
advantageadvantage, as in, some basket-ball players have an advantage because of their height
afraidafraid, as in, are you afraid of the dark?
againstagainst, as in, I'm against those who have no respect for spelling
aggressoraggressor, meaning one that engages in aggression
allowanceallowance, as in, do you get a weekly allowance from your parents
almostalmost, as in, an almost correctly spelled word is incorrect
althoughalthough, as in, although you have spell checkers, you can still misspell words
AmericanAmerican, as in, who is your favorite american president
amongamong, as in, And the Word became flesh and [[inpt PHON]]_dw1/>EH/ltt_2UX\>m>UXN_AXs[[inpt TEXT]]
amountamount, as in, the man wrote a check in the amount of $15
answeranswer, as in, the answer to a question
apartmentapartment, as in, I live in a two-bedroom apartment
apologyapology, as in, if you hurt someone, you owe them an apology
arrestarrest, as in, the police are going to arrest you
articlearticle, as in, I have written an article about the dangers of rela-tih-vism
athleteathlete, as in, you don't have to be an athlete in order to spell
athleticathletic, as in, bike riding is an athletic pasttime
attackattack, as in, the attack on pearl harbor
attitudeattitude, as in, attitude problems are not well received by police officers
authorauthor, as in, the author of into the wardrobe is c s lewis
autobiographyauto-buyography, meaning the life story of the author
availableavailable, as in, the accused politician was not available for comment
averageaverage, as in, I will average your test results as a percentage
barebare, meaning naked
bargainbargain, as in, considering the advantages of good spelling, master spell is a bargain
bearbear, meaning to carry, or an animal
beautifulbeautiful, as in, it is a beautiful day today
beautybeauty, as in, sleeping beauty
becomingbecoming, as in, you are becoming a better speller
beliefbelief, as in he had a strong belief
believebelieve, as in they strongly believe it
believingbelieving, as in, seeing is believing
boardboard, meaning a plank of wood
boredbored, meaning uninterested
brakebrake, meaning stop
breakbreak, meaning smash
buybuy, meaning purchase
byby, meaning next to
carryingcarrying, as in is that a gun you're carrying
catalogcaddalog, meaning a publication of items
categorycategorrey, meaning belonging to a classification
celebratecelebreight, as in, improved spelling is a reason to celebreight
centralcentral, meaning middle
centurycentury, meaning a period of one hundred years
certaincertain, as in, you can be certain that I'm always right
challengechallenge, as in, a challenge can be a struggle
changingchanging, as in, the changing of seasons can be beautiful
climbedclimbed, as in Jack climbed the beanstawk
clothesclothes, meaning the stuff you wear in order not to be naked
coarsecoarse, meaning ruff
comingcoming, as in, the police are coming to get you
commercialcommercial, meaning of, or relating to commerce
completelycompletely, as in, that's completely insane
compositioncomposition, as in, Brohm's piano conchertoe #2 is a beautiful composition
concentrateconcentrate, meaning to direct or draw toward a common center
concernconcern, as in, eating right is a health concern
confidentconfident, meaning marked by assurance
continuallycontinually, as in, it continually snows in chicago during the winter
continuouscontinuous, meaning un interrupted in time
contributioncontribution, meaning a donation
coursecourse, meaning a class at school
courteouscurtee-us, as in, a curtee-us man opens a door for a lady
courtesycourtesy, meaning polite behavior
criticismcriticism, as in, a bad movie ought to get a lot of criticism
crown[[inpt PHON]]_kr1_///AW\\_n[[inpt TEXT]], meaning the hat kings wear
customercustomer, meaning one who purchases goods or services
dangerousdangerous, as in, playing with matches is dangerous
dealtdealt, as in, I've dealt with your kind before
decidedecide, as in, did you decide to take this test
decisiondecision, as in, make a decision between chocolate and vanilla
defenselessdefenseless, as in, a baby is defenseless
definitiondefinition, meaning a statement conveying the meaning of something
democracydemocracy, as in, democracy itself does not innsure freedom
demonstrateddemonstrated, as in, windows demonstrated poor system design
depressiondepression, meaning feeling sad
descriptiondescription, as in a discription of an apple is it is crunchy
desperationdesperation, as in, the rabbit struggled in desperation to get free
destroydestroy, as in, it is not nice to destroy other peoples work
destructiondestruction, as in, the destruction of the Iraqi army occurred during the persian gulf war
determinationdehtermination, as in, spelling better requires dehtermination
determinedetermine, as in, bad executives determine policy with a magic 8 ball
developdevelop, as in, boys and girls develop into men and women
developmentdevelopment, as in, the early stages of construction are called development
dictionarydictionary, as in, the dictionary always has the correct spelling
differencedifference, as in, there is a great difference between cats and dogs
difficultydifficulty, as in, I have difficulty defining words
diminisheddiminished, as in, the campfire slowly diminished into smoldering ashes
dining roomdining room, as in, we had dinner in the dining room
disagreedisagree, meaning to not agree
discoveriesdiscoveries, meaning things or places that have been found
discussdiscuss, as in, we need to discuss your poor grades
discussiondiscussion, as in, the professor conducted a discussion on spelling
diseasedisease, as in, cancer is a disease
distinctiondistinction, as in, you ought to make the distinction between right and wrong
distinguisheddistinguished, as in, the apple was easily distinguished from the oranges
dividedivide, meaning the math function
divinedivine, meaning to refer to god
divisiondivision, as in, doctrinal errers caused division amongst christian believers
doctordoctor, as in, is there a doctor in the house
dominantdominant, as in, the large dog was dominant over the smaller dogs
dormitoriesdormmit-tories, meaning the rooms where college students live
doughnut/donutdonut, as in, one donut is never enough for a poleece man
easilyeasily, as in, if you practice your spelling, you can easily achieve 100%
editionedition, as in, the robbery was reported in the weekend edition of the newspaper
educationeducation, as in, a good education can get you a better jawb
eightyeighty, meaning the number one more than seventy-nine
eithereither, as in eyether one is fine
elegantelegant, as in, in her prom dress, she looked elegant
elementaryelementary, as in, elementary school is known to some as grammar school
eliminateeliminate, meaning to get rid of
emergencyemergency, as in, you only dial 9 1 1 in an emergency
emptinessemptiness, meaning without substance
emptyempty, meaning the opposite of full
encouragementencouragement, as in, we gave the child encouragement to do well in school
enemiesenemies, meaning the opposite of friends
enemyenemy, meaning the bad guy
enoughenough, as in, I've had enough to drink
entertainmententertainment, as in, masterspell is a good learning tool and great entertainment
entirelyentirely, meaning completely
entranceehntrince, as in, you found thee ehntrince, now can you find the exit?
equipmentequipment, as in, the firemen cannot work without their equipment
escapeescape, meaning to get free or avoid capture
everyevery, as in, you must get every word correct in order to achieve 100%
excellentexcellent, meaning exceptionally good
expenseexpense, meaning cost
experienceexperience, as in, what's your experience with computers
experimentexperiment, as in, it is dangerous to experiment with drugs
explanationexplanation, as in, you ought to have an explanation if you arrive late
extremelyextremely, as in, the sun is extremely hot
fantasyfantasy, meaning imaginatively ficticious
favoritefavorite, as in, my favorite ice cream flavor is double-fudge chocolate chip
fortunatelyfortunately, as in, fortunately Master Spell helps your spelling
forwardforward, meaning the opposite of reverse
foundationfoundation, as in, learning to spell is a good foundation for writing
fourteenfourt-teen, meaing the number one more than thirt-teen
friendfriend, meaning a person you know, like, and trust
friendlinessfriendlyness, meaning the quality of being friendly
fundamentalfundamental, meaning basic
funeralfuneral, as in, many people were crying at the funeral
furniturefurniture, as in, kids should not jump up and down on the furniture
furtherfurther, as in, the rest stop is only a little bit further up the road
gauge/gagegauge, meaning measure
glamorous/glamourousglamorous, meaning full of glammor
glamour/glamorglamur, meaning alluring charm
gogglesgoggles, as in, you wear your goggles to protect your eyes in the lab
gorillagorilla, meaning a large primate
governmentgovernment, meaning a body that governs
grey/graygray, as in, gray is such a gloomy color
griefgrief, meaning a painful sorrow
guardguard, as in to stand guard
healthyhealthy, as in, the wife just had a healthy baby girl
hearhear, meaning to perceive by ear
heardheard, meaning past tense of, hear
heightheight, meaning the vertical measurement
herehere, meaning in this place
heroesheero's, plural form meaning those who risk their lives to save others
hugehuge, as in, the pentium 2 is huge compared to the power pc gee 3
hurryinghurrying, meaning to move rapidly
illusionillusion, meaning airroneous belief or perception
imaginaryimaginary, meaning that which exists only in the imagination
imagineimagine, meaning the act of forming a mental picture
incredibleincredible, meaning beyond belief
initiateinitiate, meaning starting the first step
instructorinstructor, as in, you shouldn't learn to fly without an instructor
instrumentinstrument, as in, my favorite musical instrument is the piano
insulationinsulation, meaning a barrier that prevents passage
integrateintegrate, meaning to add parts to make a whole
intelligenceintelligence, meaning the capacity and ability to think
interestinterest, meaning opposite of bored
introductoryintroductory, as in, before pursuing a field, take an introductory course
involvedinvolved, as in, it is not wise to get involved in counterfeiting money
JanuaryJanuary, as in, at least in the Chicago area, it's cold in January
knowno, meaning too be certain
leadled, meaning heavy metal
lengthlength, meaning the measurement
librarieslibraries, as in, how much would you pay to have all the libraries hooked up to the internet?
librarylibrary, meaning a collection of literature
literatureliterature, as in, we studied American and English literature in high school
looseloose, as in the knot is loose
loselose, as in you looz, i win
lyinglying, as in lying down
magazinemagazine, as in you have a lot of bullets in your magazine
materialmaterial, as in, most t-shirts are made from kawton material
mathematicsmathematics, as in, arithmetic is simple mathematics
meantmeant, as in that's how it was meant to be
meatmeat, meaning edible flesh of animals
medicinemedicine, meaning the field of ailing sickness
meetmeet, meaning encounter
minutesminits, meaning the division of 1 sixtieth of an hour
mirrormirror, meaning something that reflects
modifiedmodified, meaning aulttered
monthsmonths, as in, there are twelve months in a year
mouthmouth, as in, you eat and talk with your mouth
negativenegative, as in, a negative number is a number less than zero
neitherneither, as in, neither here nor there
ninthninth, as in bey toe ven's ninth symphany
nono, meaning the opposite of yes
operateoperate, as in, do not operate heavy machinery when taking this medication
operationoperation, as in, the secret military operation was a success
oppositeopposite, as in, the opposite of correct is incorrect
originaloriginal, meaning first, opposite of copy
paidpaid, as in i paid too much for this muffler
partnerpartner, as in, my bridge partner bid us to game
peacepeace, as in, small children allow no peace in the home
perceiveperceive, meaning to sense
percent%, as in congress spends 25% of our gross domestic product
perceptionperception, as in, the false perception is that Macs are irrelevant
performanceperformance, as in, the G 3 gives better performance than the pentium 2
permitpermit, as in, the genie will permit me one more wish
phasephase, as in, what phase is the moon in
physicalphysical, meaning relating to the body
physicianphysician, meaning doctor
piecepiece,as in, that piece of grandma's pie was delicious
pigeonpigeon, meaning that dirty but delicious park bird that burt likes
pitifulpitiful, meaning sad
planningplanning, as in i am planning to clean my gun
pleasantpleasant, as in, a tornado is not a pleasant sight
poisonpoison, as in, mr. yuck warns you not to drink poison
polepole, as in, the north pole
politicianpolitician, as in, the politician pandered to minorities
pollutepollute, meaning to make unfit for life by addition of waste
possiblepossible, as in, anything is possible if you try
possiblypossibly, meaning capable of happening
povertypoverty, meaning condition of being poor
practicepractice, as in, practice makes perfect
preciousprecious, meaning valuable or cherished
preferprefer, as in, I prefer coffee with my breakfast
preferencepreference, as in, I like my eggs scrambled, what's your preference?
preparationpreparation, as in, using Master Spell is good preparation for your spelling test
prepareprepare, as in, I need to prepare for tomorrows spelling test
prescriptionprescription, as in, My prescription was filled at Walgreens
preventivepreh-ventive, as in, the best prescription is preh-ventive health
previousprevious, I hope you spelled the previous word correctly
primitiveprimitive, meaning an early basic form
probablyprobably, as in, you probably don't remember the talking moose
procedureprocedure, as in, a recipe is a procedure
processprocess, as in, I'm in the process of giving you a test
purposepurpose, as in, my sole purpose is to teach you spelling words
quantityquantity, as in, what quantity of apples did you buy
quarterquarter, as in, we had a quarter moon last night
quietquiet, as in, if you want me to be quiet, turn down the volume
rainrain, meaning water falling from the sky
realizerealize, as in, do you realize what day it is?
reallyreally, as in I really want to be Jay Licktenauer
rebelrebel, meaning one who rebels
receivereceive, as in, did you receive anything for Christmas
recognizerecognize, as in, can you recognize my voice in a crowd?
referencereference, as in the dictionary is a reference book
regardregard, as in, please regard the rights of others
relativerelative, as in, although he was my relative, I cut him out of my will
reliefrelief, as in, it's a relief to know the sky isn't falling
relieverelieve, meaning to free from pain anxiety or stress
repetitiverepetitive, meaning having a tendecy to repeat
researchresearch, as in, much research has led us to believe that we are correct
responsibilityresponsibility, as in, it's your responsibility to brush your teeth
restaurantrestaurant, as in, I have a favorite German restaurant
safetysafety, as in, you wear your seatbelt for your safety
scheduleschedule, as in, my train is always right on schedule
sciencescience, as in, my favorite science class was physics
scissorssiszers, as in, the tip for the day is don't run with siszers
secretarysecretary, meaning one employed to handle correspondence
severalseveral, as in, there are several ways to cook an egg
significancesignificance, meaning being significant
sizable/sizeable[[inpt PHON]]_sAYzEH/bUXl[[inpt TEXT]], meaning of considerable size
skierskeeer, meaning one who skees
skillful/skilfulskillful, as in, a carpenter is very skillful with wood
sourcesource, meaning origin
speakspeak, meaning talk
speechspeech, meaning the act of speaking
strategystrategy, as in, chess is a game of strategy
strengthstrength, meaning the trait of being strong
strenuousstrehnuous, meaning requiring great effort
stretchstretch, as in, you ought to stretch before excersising
strictstrict, as in, I'm on a strict [[inpt PHON]]_d1AYEHt[[inpt TEXT]] of beef, all I eat is stayke
strictlystrictly, as in, I strictly forbid cheating on a test
studyingstudying, as in, can you get an ay without studying for a test?
summarysummary, meaning consice form
surprisesurprise, meaning unexpected encounter
technicaltechnical, as in, setting up a cellular phone site requires technical knowledge
thanthan, as in more than
thenthen, as in that was then
thoughthough, meaning however
togethertogether, as in, the family gets together for the holidays
tomorrowtomorrow, meaning the day after today
tournamenttournament, meaning a series of contests
tragedytragedy, as in, the story of romeo and jewlyet is a tragedy
traveler/travellertraveller, meaning one who travels
travelled/traveledtravelled, as in, I travelled through the internet to get [[inpt PHON]]_t1UW_2y1UW[[inpt TEXT]]
typingtyping, meaning what your doing with the keyboard
undergoingundergoing, as in, I'm undergoing writer's block
usuallyusually, as in, we usually go to church on Sunday
vacancyvacancy, as in, there was no vacancy at the inn
volumevolume, as in, if you can't understand what i'm saying, turn up the volume
weatherweather, as in rain and snow
weirdweeird, meaning strange
whereverwherever, as in, if you have a powerbook, you can use Master Spell wherever you want
whetherwhether, as in whether or not
wholewhole, meaning complete
willful/wilfulwillful, meaning voluntary
womanwoman, meaning an adult female person
womenwomen, plural form meaning adult female people
woolen/woollenwoolen, meaning made from sheep
writingwriting, as in, knowing how to spell makes writing easier